3MThe 3M brand is recognized and trusted around the globe.

Dura-MillAt Dura-Mill, our customers really do become a part of the family!

Precision Twist Drill has delivered quality cutting tools since 1952.

Delivering quality abrasives for metalworking since 1959.

Union ButterfieldUnion Butterfield brand has been around since 1895.

Walter Cutting ToolsTurning visions into reality.

YG-1Best Value in the world of Cutting Tools.

VSM Cutting ToolsGlobal leader in the Coated Abrasives Market.

Cha-Tay Industrial Supply, Inc. was founded by Charles Taylor in 1971

...making us one of the oldest Industrial Distributors in South Carolina under the same ownership.


Cha-Tay Industrial Supply

100 Edwards St #A
Taylors, SC 29687


Joel: Joeljones@cha-tay.com
John: Johntaylor@cha-tay.com
Zane: zane.taylor@cha-tay.com